Clean Laundry!

I've been putting this step off long enough - making my own laundry powder.   To be fair to myself, it wasn't so much procrastination, as an issue finding the washing soda at a local grocery store that kept me from jumping into this process.  But last grocery trip - I found it!  Right on the shelf next to the Borax.  I am in!!

Homemade Laundry Powder

  • 1 bar laundry soap  - such as Fels-Naptha
  • 2 cups borax
  • 2 cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soap (note: this is NOT the same as the laundry detergent OR baking soda)
  • 1 cup oxygen cleaner - such as oxy-clean.  (Optional)

1.  Grate bar soap into a bowl.

2.  Add 2 cups Borax, 2 cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soda, and 1 cup oxygen cleaner.  Mix well.

3.  (Optional) One cup of mixture at a time, blend in a blender until you have a fine powder. 

4.  Pour mixture into an airtight container.  Stir to mix thoroughly.

5.  Use 1 to 2 tablespoons of powder per load.


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