To Do to DONE!

I'm a list maker.  I make lists for every little thing.  Daily To Do lists, Weekly To Do lists, Monthly... you get the idea.  I keep all my To Do lists handwritten in a cute little fat spiral notebook.  Which is slightly more than half full and will need replacing soon.

Along with all the to do's, there are other lists:  the To Be Read list, the shopping list, the list of meals for the week (aka: the weekly meal plan).  I keep 3 (count 'em - 3!) separate calendars to list all the various activities and events our family needs or wants to attend.  It goes on and on.  And occasionally I like to make a list of all my lists. 

I like lists because they keep me organized.  They prevent the inevitable "oh, I forgot (to do, to pick up, what I wanted to get at the library, etc, etc, etc) which comes with a forgetful nature. 

The best part of the To Do list though is crossing off items.  Looking back at all the to do's which have become DONES.  It gives me a sense of accomplishment.  A visible, tangible proof of what I have achieved in any given time period. 


  1. Your lists have lists?! You need an intervention!

    What I love about list making is the feeling of writing something down with a pen. I love how it glides across the paper. I'm trying to use Evernote and such, but....paper is I can't doodle as I type out a list. It feels like it takes so much longer to take out my phone, open the app, find the right list, etc. A notebook? It is just so much more comforting.

    1. An intervention? C'mon. I'm not hurting anyone. I can quit anytime I want! ;0)

  2. I've tried to keep my lists on line also. And with the exception of my TBR list on GoodReads - it's been a great failed experiment.

  3. I started keeping lists of things the last 5 years..I used to be able to "remember", but now, if it isn't written down, it goes out the window. I love paper and pencils, so I keep them that way. But in my stamp room, I have a new blackboard and I make notes on it. Not only functional, but makes me happy to write in chalk and remember my youth..

    1. I know the feeling of "if it isn't written down, it goes out the window!"

  4. I keep lots of to do lists. So many that they never get looked at. Seriously.

    1. hahahahaha! That's why every so often I have to make a list of all my lists!

  5. I, too, make lists, and lists, and more lists! If you're in the local grocery store and see a lady walking around with a spiral notebook and a pencil - that could be me!


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