Scrubbing Me Softly

Some messes call for a little extra scrubbing power.  But who wants to use strong, toxic abrasive scrubbing cleaners?  Even those that claim they scrub softly can irritate my hands and have a strong chemical smell.  My solution is to make my own homemade non-toxic scrubbing liquid!

3/4 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Liquid Castile Soap
1 Tbsp Water
A few drops Tea Tree Oil
1 Tbsp White Vinegar

Pour first four ingredients into a squeeze bottle.  Shake to mix.

Add vinegar.  Shake thoroughly.

If scrubbing liquid dries between uses:  add a small amount of water and shake. 

But the real question is: does it work?  Here's the first attempt at trying this homemade scrubbing liquid:

Before scrubbing

Cleaner in sink - looks like the commercial stuff!

Scrubbing softly
And there's one shiny sink!  Voila!


  1. Wow..what a great idea...great for you, and the environment and your wallet too..


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