The Day I Quit

Excited.  Nervous.  Thrilled.  Apprehensive.  Freed.  Scared.  Elated.  And a little nauseous.  I went through every single one of those feelings (sometimes all of them at once) as I sat in my office yesterday and explained to my supervisor of 13 years that April would be my last month at work. 

It is time.  It's probably been time for a while, but I had stayed on.  Maybe it was from sense of obligation, comfort, responsibility, or just plain laziness.  But now the door was open and the time had come to step through it into the bright new season of my life which lay on the other side. 

It seems fitting to undertake this new phase of my life just as spring is in the air.  I could probably ramble on poetic for a while about new life, comparing my new venture with spring.  But I will save you that particular experience.  And avoid embarrassing myself in the process. 

So, here we are.  The clock is ticking.  My old job is ending, and I am prepared to take on my day job full time. 


  1. Total awesomeness! Congratulations and much luck with your new venture!

    1. Thanx lady! I need all the luck I can get!


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