OH! The Places You'll Cro! (Mammogram Edition)

How often do we  hear it?  Early detection is key in winning the fight against breast cancer.  And yet so many women of a certain age skip that oh-so-important step of getting regular mammograms.  Maybe you think they're only for "old" women.  Maybe you're afraid it will hurt.  Maybe you think you don't need one because you do regular self exams.  Maybe you're worried about the cost.  Whatever your excuse may be, I am here to encourage you to talk to your doctor to determine if you need a screening mammogram and if so - GET ONE!!

Now, if you're excuse is the time involved with going to get your mammogram - I've got another suggestion for you to help pass the time.  Take along your crochet!  

I went for my regularly scheduled mammogram earlier this week.  And my yarn and hooks went right along with me for the journey!  In my opinion - anywhere you might go that require some waiting or down time is perfect for squeezing in some extra crocheting.

Here I am starting a crochet project while waiting to be registered at the hospital.

In the radiology waiting area until my name was called:

And as I wait for the tech to come take me to the room with the machine (sporting the snazzy little white waffle-weave robe supplied for you to wear during the procedure):

Now, in all honesty - I didn't have a lot of time for crocheting since my hospital is very efficient and had me in and out in about 30 minutes!  (I've never had much of a wait for a mammogram, even at other facilities I have been to.)

They were also very speedy with reading the images.  And I am happy to report that there is nothing to report!  Everything is good this year and I don't have to back until my next regularly scheduled screening.

Now, please if you haven't had a mammogram this year and it's time -   Go Do It Today!!

Does your idea of crochet include sitting at home while doing little to nothing else?  Well, surprise!  It's actually a very portable, on-the-go kind of hobby!  I plan to prove that to you with this blog series. "OH! The Places You'll Cro!" will take you along to various places I may travel... and crochet.

Don't miss the other places I have crocheted!
