A Farewell Buzz

 Dear friends and customers, 

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for 11+ years of support and encouragement.  

After much thought, I have decided to take a break from Queen B's Busy Work as a business. This was not an easy decision, but I feel it is the right one at this time. Recently, the running of the Etsy shop has become more of a stress instead of something I enjoy. I need time to rediscover my love for crochet and work on some personal projects, as well as to explore some new hobbies. 

I do not yet know if this break will be permanent or if I will return after the first of the year, perhaps with new products and a little rebranding. 

I am currently offering 40% off everything in the shop until September 22, 2023. I am no longer accepting custom orders and will not accept any orders through the Etsy shop as of September 30, 2023.

I will keep my Instagram profile up and running as a platform to share what I am working on, whether that's my crochet or any new crafts I decide to try. I hope you will continue to follow my crafting adventures there.

Have a BEEautiful Day
