Down, But Not Out

If you are not a crocheter, you may not know that fingers are a pretty essential part of the crochet process.  We use them to hold, twist, and manipulate our yarn and crochet hooks.  

So, what's a busy bee to do when she finds herself with an injured finger?  Especially when there are orders to be filled?

I suppose she could issue a bunch of refunds along with her apologies and just deal with the fall out.  


She could figure out a way to make it work and keep buzzing on.  Which is just what this Queen B did!

Last weekend, I managed to jam the middle finger on my right hand while closing a door.  (I was in a rush, trying shut it to trap my dog before he escaped the bedroom with a pair of socks he had snatched from the dirty clothes hanper.  It was a whole thing)  It hurt a lot in the moment, and at the time I wondered if I had done any serious damage.  But it stopped hurting so much after several minutes and I moved on with my day.  Until later that afternoon when it started hurting more and more.  

So... yeh... jammed (sprained) finger.   The only cure - ice, ibuprofen and/or acetaminophen, a splint and time.  

I was worried.  Between the pain and the splint - was I going to be able to crochet? 

Fortunately, I am one determined (some might say "stubborn") bee.  The ibuprofen and ice helped ease the worst of the pain.  And I figured out a way to make it work with the splint.   

Yes, it definitely slows me down, but I'm getting it done. 

So far, all orders will still bee shipping on time.  I will certainly keep you updated if that should change for any reason.  
